Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lindy Jack Goes To The Beach

We took our first beach trip with Lindy Jack. Although he did not get to feel the sand in his toes, he did however enjoy being around family and being in a new place. It was in the upper 90s the entire time we were there, so LJ spent most of his time indoors. We did however get out some days to do some shopping at Rosemary beach and Seaside. I don't think he minded staying indoors as you see from the look on his face below he had a good time on his first beach trip.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lindy Jack's Week

Lindy Jack Speaks: Mom's best friend Ovis came to visit me this week. She lives in South Carolina, hopefully I will get to go visit her there one day. We had lots of fun shopping and hanging out.
Mom joined a group called Magic City Slingers. It is a baby wearers group. This picture below is us trying a sling she checked out from their library. I didn't like it at first but after just a few minutes I was so comfortable that I fell asleep.
I got my first bath in my big boy tub. I'm not sure what I think about it yet. Yeah I was a little fussy but surely I will get used to it.

My big event for the week was going to the doctor. I am now 9lbs and 22 in a half inches. I sure am growing. I got two shots and and oral vacine. I barely cried, Lindy Jack=tough.

That was my big week!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lindy Jack Goes To Church

We decided to go to church for the first time since LJ was born. He wore his tie onesie and looked adorable. He only woke up once during the service he looked around a bit and then fell back asleep. It was nice getting to go to church I had been missing it. Watching it online is just not the same.